
Jumat, 18 September 2009

a great word: "TRUST"

TRUST.. satu kata yg bisa bikin gw ngerasa dihargain sekaligus bs bikin gw jatuh sejatuh jatuhnya..
buat seorang gw dapet satu kepercayaan adalah hal besar.. a great thing!
kenapa? karena ga gampang membuat orang percaya sama kita, ga gampang yakinin orang kalo "hey.. lo bisa percayain satu hal yg lo punya ke gw!".. sekalipun itu hal kecil yg org anggap remeh.. but will be able to make me feel like a special person..
trus apa yg bakal terjadi kalo lo kehilangan kepercayaan itu???
gw.. gw bakal jatuh..
yupp! gw selalu lemah sama hal ini..
TRUST yg selalu bikin gw nangis cengeng dipelukan nyokap..
satu scene di film TENTANG DIA, waktu Gadis, entah karena apa mulai sedikit kehilangan kepercayaannya ke Rudi..
"Lo boleh ga percaya sama orang lain.. tapi kalo lo ga percaya sama orang yg sayang sama lo, itu beda Dis!! Itu penghianatan! Sakit tau ga digituin.."
selalu wonder sama kata dalam scene itu..
emang saat orang yang kita sayang mulai ga percaya sama kita, rasanya sakit banget.. merasa ditinggalin, merasa disisihin..
tapi rasa dikhianatin itu ga berlaku buat gw, karena dlm kasus gw, gw yg bulak balik bikin salah..
gw yg bikin dia ngerasa ga percaya lg sm gw.. n i'm sorry for that..
hwaaa.. gw akan berusaha balikin kepercayaan itu lagi, walaupun susah..
gw akan buktiin, semua yg dia pikirin salah.. karena gw ga akan pernah maen2 sm ucapan gw..

"Someone's voice calls to me, echoing across the full water
In the midst of a quiet sleep, drops from heaven split the darkness

On the other side of the spiral of light that beckons
Is there a gentle future?

Come into the light, can I believe your words?
Come into the light, it's surely a dreamlike world, into the light

Unknowing of spilled tears and protected by a heartbeat
I want to keep swimming in this gentle melody

On the other side of that cold door of light
Is there a future that's not sad?

"Come into the light, can I believe your words?
Come into the light, it's surely a dreamlike world, into the light

Come into the light, will I find a faraway tenderness?
Come into the light, can I sleep surrounded by happiness?
Come into the light, have the flames of war disappeared?
Come into the light, it's surely a dreamlike world, into the light

Come into the light I'm here "


posted by piecesoFpuzzLe at 20.07


makasih ya ra, blog km yg ttg TRUST has made me realized to trust my bf. it's not that i dont trust him, i trust him but not fully trust him. and now i promise to myself that i will learn how to trust him fully 100% with no doubt, not even a single tiny doubt. :)
thanks alot.
it's such a wonderful blog !! :)

11 Januari 2010 pukul 03.20  

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